Mindfulness and Sexuality

Mindfulness and Sexuality – a spiritual practice is a path to a mindful sexuality and a meaningful life.


Mindfulness and Sexuality –a spiritual practice is a path to a mindful sexuality and ameaningful life.

The author describes ways and methods that lead to thehealing of sexuality, the increase of pleasure and to loveand devotion. This book covers the topics of mindfulness,generosity, ethics, renunciation, wisdom, effort, patience,truthfulness, determination, meditation, loving kindness andequanimity, and it comes with related practice instructions.Mindfulness and Sexuality is a fresh interpretation of oldspiritual teachings for the people of our times – beyondreligion and esotericism.

Peter Riedl is a university professor of radiology and apracticing Buddhist. Since 1991, he is also the chief editorof the magazine Ursache\Wirkung, which publishes mainlyon spiritual and Buddhist topics. In 2016, he published thevolume ‘May Your Practice Succeed: A Buddhist Practice.’

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Mindfulness and Sexuality

Peter Riedl

U\W Verlag, 144 Seiten


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